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> I am either an optimist with a heathy dose of skepticism or a cynic who just sees a varity of outcomes possible, not great ones but not 100% hopeless.
That's what one mature person should face the problems. Trying to come up with the solutions that come and go or the proportionate expectations that we should have about something. My recommendation is to stay skeptical until you see it in front of you and it turns out real. Looking for reality and the closest zone to reach the truth. Then,you can have all the emotions. Some do it in reverse and...
> Yep.Though I honestly am not sure how I feel on the school, but I'm not going shill about it unless it proves really, really bad and after I get the feel for the dynamic. Most likely I won't even shrill about it even if I don't like it because I hate to ruin others fun and I've seen where that mentality 
and here it is the reverse topic.The school is placed with a question mark. Just wait for the execution and then,we will judge calmly how it affects and how much is a good idea or not.

> I sort of get this but I feel really tierd so I'm not gonna post my story on that right at the moment. As I've said , let this be an open canvas for ya.
Post it whenever you feel the moment to post it. I just wrote that green pretty late at night and yet, I felt like writing about it just because why not.(I have my reasons though)
> self post quote:As I've said , let this be an open canvas for ya. 
Something I see you've already done some, especially with your latest green. May not be my taste, but I've always found it both funny and stupid how all these /pol/ tier anons are hypocredical on that to a idiotic degree. I maybe an traditionist moralfag, (well, from a personal standpoint, don't want the government ta get involved. Or people to be killed/denied the rights over something so personal to yourself.Also, I browse chans...) Lesbian shipping, Fine. Various messed up kinks, perfectly okay in the far right. Gay, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! It's destorying the west! Urg... They are doing just as much of the mental gymnastics as tumblr, perhaps even more so. I want to post futher thoughts/obverations I've had on your greens for awhile now, but I've always been sidetracked by other stuff/being barely awake from a long day Hopefully I can do that soon. Though banners first... maybe. I spent today "reseaching" TS and Raven and may post some futher thoughts on that first. IDK
That's why it's called the "wrong" relationship because it's wrong by /pol/tards and /mlp/ mostly. I can understand this but if you reread the green you will see I gave a :"Fuck you" to three big things. One of them is the chan mentality with the gay stuff and you have posted the absurd mentality about it. However,if you read especially the Double Diamond lines,you will get where I went and I picked those two characters for a reason. This is what you meant for an open canvas and proto green so I went completely against the "unnamed" rule,something I cannot feel like doing there.
> Look honestly forward to anything ya post as I like your style. Hopefully I'll be able to post green too soon.
Well, that was another spontaneous green. I'll post more thoughts too whenever you reply to it. Anyway,thanks for the appreciation.
> Greece: though the immigrant population isn't a big as some. Greece has still had a significant influence on the US in many ways. Lot's of our Goverment stuff liked to fancy themselves as a continuation of the old greek states and great men of their history... along with the roman empire.

Nice stuff and even their philosophy has stayed relevant and hasn't aged one single bit. Even with that nice detail,nope. You haven't figured it out.
I'll give you a clue that most people do not know nor I knew before this month.It's the only country where white Russians fought against red communists besides their homeland years later after their lost.