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> Is this the oc self insert?
So, I'm up to 2700 words, and remembered I have to leave to visit family the day after Thanksgiving. So if I want to "finish" this I need to keep up this pace.
But as I wind down, I found old NaNo projects, including an RPG-turned-tale from '13. Here's a favorite clip:
”The government pegasus mare. She said they were escapees. But you all saw them; they weren’t prisoners. What did they escape? I’m going to start by reading about the schooling of young pegasi. Maybe the clue is in what they threaten each other with during flight school. Foals are so cruel.”
”I like fire. Seiko does the library have books on fire?”
To which the jennet Seiko responded in a tone so flat even diamond dog Sharp Wit, with his many years travelling amongst the ponies did not know if the donkey spoke in jest or in honesty, ”None of their books are on fire right now, Flarestar. I daresay they’d probably prefer to keep that ratio, too.”
(Img not related)