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> Nobody has demanded you to set up a deadline
Deadlines are sorta what NaNoWriMo is about. Fifty thousand words before the end of November; anything else is just 'writing' -- which I do, but of late I've played video games instead.
So this month I'm forgoing video games entirely to focus on putting what's in my head, onto paper.

Also I think this will fall into same category as 'stable bastard' about the pegasus that was sired by rape but the stable's eugenics program allows that so long as the bloodlines are improving. So the pegasus youth finally figures out his dad isn't related to him and he has a snit-fit and leaves the stable only to save the life of a slave-filly who thinks selling the only thing she has, her own body, is the only way to buy her freedom. Then the colt, the filly, and the griffon that initially raised the filly go back to the stable to find out the entrance tunnel is cursed so only family lines can walk through it without believing they're drowning.

Awkward, is what I'm trying to say. I'll probably just file it away and not go back to clean it up.