> Dolores let out a yawn.
> She was quite tired.
> The day had been quite long.
> ... and by the sound of that loud crash, it was far from over.
> Dolores! Said a white stallion with a white mane (which also was white).
> His smile was painful and ingenuine, his eyes betrayed fear.
> Dolores looked upon the pitiful shell of him. He was trembling.
> The cart he had been pulling had fallen over to its side, it's contents scattered about the baren ground. 
> Another delay to add to the list.
> "Diamound..." Dolores said, suppressing an urge to scream at the young stallion, she had to maintain  appearances after all.
> "Why did... this is the third cart that you have had an accident with this week!"
> "I-I-I'm sorry! The ground is so rocky here and the there is the hoter the-"
> "No excuses." Dolores said firmly. "At least the cart appears to be undamaged."
> Double Diamond cowarded under her gaze. Part of her supposed she really shouldn't be too hard on the stallion, he wasn't the most well built for navigating such rough terrain. He really wouldn't even be doing this if it hadn't been for the injuries that had been sustained by half of the ablebodied stallions who had already been asigned there.
> Still, it was yet another delay of many. She couldn't go soft, least encourage the others to slow down as well.
> "Your working fourteen hour days for the rest of this week!"
> "Y-yes Dolores!"
> Dolres ignored his reply as she proceeded forward. 
> More delays. More setbacks. More time wasted. How was she supposed to make her magnum opus when she couldn't get even one simple wooden bridge constructed in a timely maner?
> Sure this had been her most ambitious projuct to date. This was no simple cliffside a few dozen hooves across, but a good six hundread with a much futher drope down. It also was much farther away from the village.
> Dolores knew all that. But she had ambitions. She wanted to build works far greater then that brigde.
> If she couldn't even get a simple wooden bridge done, how could she get anything else?
> She had already pushed back her deadline by three whole months. She couldn't afford anymore time, least she face the wrath of the Weather Bureau's biennial downpour that was scheguled for the otherwise dry region.
> Dolores cursed to herself as she sat on the ground after she tripped.
> A single glance back revealed the culprit, one of the many sized rocks that parted up from the dirt.
> She tried to get up, there was a sudden sharp pain in her right foreleg. Dolores worked through the pain to stand awkwardly.
> She felt a single drop fall upon her forehead.
> Rain...
> The day was looking to be longer for her.
 this was just something my brain farted out. I had to do something in celebration for 800. Especially since I got the get this time