> That only gives you, 3 or 4 days remaining of the month, doesn't it? Not sure it is doable though 4 to 5K can be with a bit of crunch. If you get close I'd recommend you give yourself some extra credit and write past to the deadline regardless of the time.
> 4 to 5k per day, might be possible with a bit of crunch anyway, depending on schedule.
That's not too far fetched for crunch. Pretty feasible to write around that quantity of words if you have very clear in your mind what you want to write for this last part. That length is about the usual sessions that one would do for longposting or writing an essay each day.
However,I would seriously recommend what Bridgefag has told you about giving yourself an extra day or two for going over it, polishing the story with a more laid-back approach, considering that you will have already translated those thoughts into these words for the story (you won't have the fear of them being wiped out of your mind).
I will seriously cherish the effort for dealing with such pace for writing it (and you would display a huge passion for going into it in a single month). You have already shown this though
It's feasible for you but if you cannot meet your personal objective,either write it in a less detailed manner for getting to the end (and then you give that part a second try in order to enrich it) or you give yourself an extra day or twoin case that you run into any inconvenience that hinders you throughout this week for reaching said ccompletion.