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I am holding up okay, was a bit tired from doing this >>/8055/ yesterday. Hope your thanksgiving trip went well.
> man are there a lot of misspellings.
It actually varies. Sometimes it seems you were rushing and tired and thus your writing comes off with mispellings and some confusion in the narration.
> {citation needed)
Sorry, too tired atm, but I will find a example later.
Other times though I actually found your writing exquisite:
> As Fluttershy landed, Twilight realized how small that window was. Friends with wings were allowed some leeway about ”doors” but, given the speed and how this particular pegasus wasn’t accustomed to fine motor control needed to thread a maze such as that window, Twilight gathered the idea this was critically important, and let thought of paperwork be driven from her mind.The yellow pegasus looked frightened, which was not in itself uncommon but gave approximate directions to the problem. Fluttershy looked wide-eyed at the princess, blinked, looked away,swallowed, and managed to look back.
It seems like a lot of fics, and considering my taste this maybe bad advice, have had a lot simpler and more sparse. I think you are a good writer. As for this story? Eh, too sexual for my taste, though I might comment on certain scenes from where I did read.
> The human 'Jack' is a cad and should be taken out back and shot.
> had it with this creep
I haven't fully gotten through it, though I may skim some more. Take it you also started to hate Jack? Someone like that can walk a fine line between unforgivably awful and very entertaining. The idea of them having to appease such a character is a entertaining premise that I think can work.