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I remember that either the old polish Board Owner or CB Anon told me that asking for life to be exciting would be a dangerous desire to have...and he wasn´t wrong. I am quite literally fed up of the noise that the pandemic is causing and on top of that,plenty of ups and downs throughout my personal journey.  Perhaps I should have shut up my mouth that day by claiming that my life was boring at the time...

If there were a single thing that I truly crave for this 2022, it´s stability.

I hope that this mess slips away and let the rest to live a little bit more in peace.

For now, let´s see what 2022,this franchise and this board have to offer after these last moments for celebrating the end of this episode (even though it seems that half the globe is already living in the next chapter  >>/8082/). 4 times in a row in which I have managed to celebrate on this board both Christmas and New Year´s Day from Madrid. I wouldn´t have even imagined to even to repeat it once yet here we are.

I don´t have much to say and there are other people that are having a blast out there, I am not going to be an exception at delivering some good vibes for once.

Happy New Year, /endpone/!

Best regards,

Background Anon L23 (Amcom)