If I am not wrong, Texas should be celebrating New Year's Day in a couple of hours.
> I know for the eurofags it has already arrived but us Texans/Americans it has not.
Here in Spain,the introduction to this 2022 happened 5 hours ago. I have managed to release more (low profile) fireworks this time around than last year because there hasn't been any time limit for coming back home whatsoever in my region. In other parts of my country,they didn't get to be so lucky with the unreasonable restrictions of forcing people to stay at home after 1:30AM (which is ridiculous in the current pandemic situation that doesn't have any scientific backup but things are that corrupt and messy for handling these matters so it's a little bit all over the place). Anyway,I have come home like an hour ago because I have been either at a friend's home and/or using the material that we bought a few days ago for this event.
> Well, actually, I didn't forget, but thought it was tomorrow.
Well,I wouldn't like to put myself into that confusion for any exam.I have been witness of a friend who studied for organic chemistry a few years ago and he messed it up completely because of that same logic that you have. He showed up for the final the day after it occurred and as a result, he had to attend to the recovery exam.
So, it's pretty funny when people have a tendency to think that way when it's seen as something anecdotic but when it happens to you and desl with the consequences,it doesn't become all that funny.
> Happy New Years /endpone/!
You are about to experience it in a matter of minutes. Enjoy those last moments as much as you can!