> Maybe it´s because you know how I type my posts but yes, my fears are mostly shown in Double Diamond. In fact, I see that your green has detected that he was the main character i which I had a fearful disguise.

I did read that but don't give me too much credit, I had started out with just the simple intention just to write something about our glorious bridge... the rest just fell into place as I wrote. It almost would've been a comandy about Dolores having a ruined bridge funny enough if I had done things slightly differently.

> And I have a certain feeling that somehow calls to me while reading these lines.

As in the mask that ou wear when interacting with the outside  woah, that sounds too much like a shrink, not trying to pry, just curious as to why/how it calls out to you  

> It seems that this could be a meta continuation to what was established.A meta reference and dedication that doesn´t let Dolores to catch a breath, stressing over the delays and the desperation of having promised projects that are ruined...

I think I get what you are saying but I'm not 100% sure, is the meta relating to me or to you, both of us? Forgive me for I am very tired once agian. Not going ta blog, but this week has been constant errands and doctors appiontments. So I maybe missing some context and what not.