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> Don't know to much on RGRE, but yeah something little like this won't hae enough time to develop an atmosphere to be able to have a chance to change minds with its concepts.
Basically it's anon having sexual acts on ponies and the desire of being pleased with the story. As all the writers write as male,then I don't see the purpose of the thread but having sexualized stuff with male rule 63 characters.

> All these labels can easily form such "totalitarian collectives" or a blind will of a mob. The specification which they are doled out and formed don't help anybody. My relation to it is obsevring through my contact with SJW's though. Their attempts to erase catagories and allow freedom have backfired badly, with many different labels that are each there own mini identity, and people shrilling about if this or that is truely X? Which leads to splittering, yet the splittering becomes yet another label that will be debated and shrilled.
Basically the obsession with labeling everything has become natural to the point where everything has to have a name that portrays all the group and none of that group has exceptions or gets out of the patterns. I didn't start that trend but I am sure I am not helping to avoid it either. That same technique divides everybody without putting some kind of personal detail or detours that don't fit.
Also here is the fun fact,communism pioneered to point at everbody
 as their enemy,all of them who were not loyal,destoy it in the name for the good will. Yes,it was the first one and who followed and how Europe answered to it?Fascism and the bell rings.... of course,the best villains for the media,nationalsocialism. Both answers were their backlash yet,they used almost the same techniques as the communists for their ideology. If one player plays dirty,the others won't be short to break the fair play at anytime.
> TLTR: Labels not just used as an indentification of a thing, but as a strict exspectation of what that thing is, sometimes with a sense of indentity with it.
Like bronies and any fandom. More like identity,I would prefer to go softer and just say that it's mostly a tag. Identification should be applied when you really live it and stays relevant over time for yourself.

> Communism can be uniroicly shrilled for in many places in the west, despite doing much of the same thing that various right wing factions did. 
Ironically,that was my response before replying to this part as well.
> Even the people who shrill against it by saying "It's stupid that the soviet union killed but because they were not racist they get away with it" No, I'm saying is that because many of the communist countries and movements were in fact pretty racist toward various groups that weren't the national majorities.
Guess what else? They were the first to hate jews openly. I am not kidding,nationalsocialism is remembered constantly and we know how awful it was. But that doesn't prevent that communism did anything better. In fact,giving that sinister idea served to the others and put the same if not worse practices in other places unrelated to it.

> Cossacks, crimian tatars, Tibet, etc. Even if they weren't always systematically killing them ouright, they were often supressing their language and culture with the clear intent to wipe them it as a group.
100 millions of deaths. Half of the world under their command...failed as a system,failed on their good kind promise with the superior morality....yet their victims.....are somehow less relevant than the holocaust. Both are awful,but the numbers speak for themselves.
