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> These groups are not all consuming, but often places now are at least leaning to one or the other. Their are things that both don't accept and get triggered so easily with. I've wondered what it would be like if someone or something arose who was willing to trigger both in equal messure, so it's interesting for me to see you mention that. Both of these groups have become the fun police, attacking many who just want to be left out of it. This is a desire just to be.
Basically,I was on the /pol/ side at some point but letting all my hate to flow like doesn't work. I feel like going back to a primitive being. If I have to give a fuck you,I have to put on the table better options than them. I use one thing SJW praise blindly (a gay couple) and use the /mlp/ style(green text,sexual setup and in a way,a light fetish). 
I have received the heritaged tools from both yet,it doesn't convince neither the first nor the other,it goes through the middle and ends up in a nowhere territory. It feels pretty unconventional because you can see it unappealing because of the images,or unappealing because it's not progressive or gay for the sake of being gay and special. It has a dark context and a desperate feeling to feel something private,not something to be obnoxiously shouting at the street and claiming that you are homo to everybody during an entire week in my city. I have always prefered the chan side,however, I have a lot of crticism with them and you have seen that with some previous posts.

> Really, I am a pretty chill dude. Even if this is not my taste, don't be afraid to mess around with stuff here that doesn't flow elsewhere. I doubt the other anon who used to come by would care either. I mean we are on endchan for goodness sankes...
 And that's good because that means experimentation is encouraged and has to offer something different to what we see on the main board. They can be awful but it should break something and move forward into somewhere else(porn and sexual fetishes are mostly taken though). If we are patient and chill,then nothing can go wrong so quickly in terms of green.
> Though I don't now about the random stranger who posted in the Apple Jac Parents e thread yesterday
Neither do I. Literally a wtf was that. Probably a shitposter from /mlp/ and left his mark in less than 5 seconds.

> I really like the points you wanted to make with this which really rings with me.
I had been thinking about this after what I wrote. I had to tell this explanation but first,I had to spend time thinking about that green my mind let during that hour. Reflections which I have considered as important as the green itself. They are needed in order to put a new perspective on it and warn about the stuff I have experimented here. Not exactly the vision or the correct interpretation,but a personal view for what it inspired after taking an improvised post boosted by twisted feelings and thoughts.