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>>/813/ > Basically it's anon having sexual acts on ponies and the desire of being pleased with the story. As all the writers write as male,then I don't see the purpose of the thread but having sexualized stuff with male rule 63 characters. Yeah... never really been into lewds but I've probably taken a glance in there once or twice out of curiosity. > Also here is the fun fact,communism pioneered to point at everbody as their enemy,all of them who were not loyal,destoy it in the name for the good will. > Both answers were their backlash yet,they used almost the same techniques as the communists for their ideology. If one player plays dirty,the others won't be short to break the fair play at anytime. The most weathy peseants were given a label. The most weathy of the poorest peasents were another label. Sometimes they would take a slight regional identity and turn it into a whole other ethnic group that got worse or better treatment. Though the right put more of an open emphasis on race, a lot of people forget that they too hated segments of the upper classes and weathy at times. > Guess what else? They were the first to hate jews openly. I am not kidding,nationalsocialism is remembered constantly and we know how awful it was. But that doesn't prevent that communism did anything better. In fact,giving that sinister idea served to the others and put the same if not worse practices in other places unrelated to it. Yep. One of the most ironic things to me is that many of the sterotypes of the rich that are popular even in tumblr land still have some motifs that came from hatred of jews from a economics standpoint. > 100 millions of deaths. Half of the world under their command...failed as a system,failed on their good kind promise with the superior morality....yet their victims.....are somehow less relevant than the holocaust. Both are awful,but the numbers speak for themselves. Exactly. Especially hypocritical to when people of the high and mighty left get angery at someone who was a friend of someone who may have been a nazi, yet completely brush off, ignore, or even defend someone who unironicly shrilled for the soviets. Doesn't make what the nazi's any less bad, but there is a big blind spot there to say the least.