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>>/815/ > in that case,I would have to describe myself and I don't want to get into that nor I can describe how I am so directly. I could say one thing today and maybe tomorrow,I could tell you another. Not that I change overnight but the point is: I don't know how to describe myself nor I can point out exactly what has carried me to feel that way. I simply have a sense that clicks on me when I see it. But the perspective does change with the mood. I think I understand this in a way. I have a very hard time discribing myself to someone and don't really feel like I have a full grasp on it, not to mention a desire to. > I free myself better under a character than letting my personal feeling core cage. What I write,I encourage more to guess what drove me behind to write it and what I convey over there. I convey feelings yet,many remain unclear with a different name. The few times I have given serious thought to writing anything that represents me I usually don't put myself into a single charcater but have several that may represent aspects of my opinions and desires, but never completely. I'm not sure if this started as a way to avoiding having a easy to spot self incert or just having my charcater shrill my opinions but that's what I do. > It's meta because of our bridge and the implication that I am somehow Double Diamond or at least,suspected you got inspired by the previous green and insert him with that idea of fear. Seriously,it feels like I wrote the story yet,you know how to write it and follow the trend. I did end up imagening it in the same universe. I imagend Dubble Diamound having the same issues as he did in your green, plus being not the most well build stallion who was insecure on a number of fronts. Though for me he was a background element that was a shared aspect to the story rather then a focus... at least what I was thinking as I wrote it. >>/814/ > I have always prefered the chan side,however, I have a lot of crticism with them and you have seen that with some previous posts. Me too. Don't like most stuff outta /pol/, but I like the paradigm of how chans opperate. Harder to track easier to hide. I espicially am draw to the alt chans, looking for hidden treasures and in my opinion some of the better examples of true honest discussion in general.