thumbnail of notmessedwith.webm
thumbnail of notmessedwith.webm
notmessedwith webm
(638.73 KB, 1280x720 vp9)
thumbnail of Eastern_(VlPx).webm
thumbnail of Eastern_(VlPx).webm
Eastern_(VlPx) webm
(8.14 MB, 380x214 vp9)
> 2nd vid

So, fun fact -- it looks normal, color wise, on my machine played locally. Through the browser, even locally, it looks exactly the way my PDF files do because the files idea of "white" is borrowed from the system defaults. Which have been discussed here, they're deep into the green end of the scale.

So for an idea of how the color is supposed to look, have this "not messed with" clip. And to make up for it, have the other kirin video on Voltex Pixel's channel, "Eastern" albeit heavily compressed.