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> Frankly I wouldn't blame the dude if he did. U.S.A didn't become a great/supper power by just having a better system of government and a strong economy.
Indeed,its economy wouldn't get a huge boost until a few years later with the huge intelectualism coming over there. And I don't blame him for anything and even if he were,I would ask him a lot of things about the entire last century and his elder experience.

> Still like all other empires it conquered to expand. War is war and there is still bloodshed and back stabbings. 
War is war in the fact that war as the act doesn't change. The only damaging thing that matters and still makes this thing relevant is because of the current state of Cuba. The moment they get out of communism,then the consequences are mostly over. Not like both countries have to pay anything between each other,just that the place itself still suffers. That's why while I agree with your phrases,I cannot avoid thinking about the present. Propaganda and the consequences matter more to me than the concept of war because the latter is universal whenver you enter into it.
> Just as long as anyone realizes that people are people that one person's evil deed maybe another's story of heroism because even open minded people who are critical of their countries will still run into disagreements like that and that the actions of the government don't speak for those of the governed then I don't care what ya think.
One cannot give a fuck and that decision is completely respectable. The problem is the way to execute it.There is an underrated part that my empire did and we don't have in count. We actually cared and asked if our decisions of conquering were ethical. Basically,founding external relationships and while some conquests went as usual, after a certain period,we mixed and converted them into christianity instead of killing.The preference of killing for the conquest became somewhat secondary.
However,if anything has to be violent and only,just only understands the concept of violence, so be it.

> I will in a bit. Have a couple of more long days coming up so I'd better hit the hay.
Alright.Here I wait for the final phase of this winter...