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>>/816/ > all of them who were not loyal,destoy it in the name for the good will. this is why extremes are not good. Starting with this one. > Though the right put more of an open emphasis on race, a lot of people forget that they too hated segments of the upper classes and weathy at times. that last line hurts to the left purposes. They think they are the only ones to claim the rich guilty while the right doesn't have the right(ironic)to criticize them. The "true socialism" just blames the burgueois for being guilty of exploiting the poorest classes yet,the same one who were guilty,brought the chance to communicate,associate and bring richness to them and their employees by being competent(agreeing,disagreeing,negotiations, directions of production, decisions, etc.) > One of the most ironic things to me is that many of the sterotypes of the rich that are popular even in tumblr land still have some motifs that came from hatred of jews from a economics standpoint. You know how communism started? Nobody of them worked nor had experience in the work's market. What's the target age of Tumblr? Around 15-24 years old,basically they have known university and a part time job at most. They talk about those ideals of justice without knowing the actual reality. The same patterns get repeated a century after the terror. > Especially hypocritical to when people of the high and mighty left get angery at someone who was a friend of someone who may have been a nazi, yet completely brush off, ignore, or even defend someone who unironicly shrilled for the soviets. Doesn't make what the nazi's any less bad, but there is a big blind spot there to say the least. Because the only ones that can justify the cause is the party itself,in short,the involved leaders of the movement. The rest don't matter,they are enemies and so,they go against our justice. The worst enemy for a communist is a socialist. Why?Because he is a capitalist traitor who uses the capital privileges,enjoys all of them,participates with the high spheres and speaks in the name of the people while exploiting them. Funny stuff I have read tonight from that book. Here is the answer to why SJW don't follow the logic. They go with the cause their leaders impose and then,follow blindly. I am personally amazed that the tactics from a century and maybe one and a half,still get repeated and have so much relevancy in the internet age.