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>>/817/ > I said that Tumblr's stuff was sometimes self harming to the very groups they shrill for. That want surface level blind propaganda 90% of the time. You treated them as average people in a bad situation. And they are actually people. No way sexuality makes you any different,yet,Tumblr takes it into a whole new level of identity. > Tumblr would dissect it in a thousand different ways. Probably calling it bad for right wing undertones an having not a strong character. Some circles on tumblr woul get the message to an extent but still shrill. Someone else would be fine woth the story, but shril because you aren't my definition of "x". Then someone else would shrill that it is drawing attention away from black issues, and most of them would reblog all of it in their usual insane dubble think. Usual whnen someone was going to actaully make a story like that invoveling some of tumblr's faviorites, end up avoiding having any complex characters of said minority groups, and leave all the characters with actually depth being white or some other group that tumblr hates. Leading them to grumble about a lack of a representation. not to say there isnt any real issues like that but they often more harm then good Basically you have described all of the possible answers tumblrinas would put out there. I don't like criticism focused so much on certain feeling ms on stuff of liking or not liking it. The fact that they are obsessed with if x character is black,gay or trans,whatever, matters more than the story and its creation/purpose is beyond me. Yeah,I can have a character which I am more biased than another or say that I am not into gay ships but we can get something out of it than just that. One has to get the important priorities right,otherwise write fanfic for your groups of friends and have fun fantasizing about everything. There is no wrong way to do it,yet I sensed the answers you have exposed, so you could understand my fears(which are put in the story too) > I really like the themes you went for. It maybe "unappealing" but to me its truely a provocative in the true spirtit of the word. A square peg in a round hole for both tumblr and the chans well, most of them Thanks. I didn't appreciate it that much but I have to confess that this provocation comes because I had clopped and enjoyed visually images of stallions while searching on derpi or going for some fresh stuff to enjoy. That enjoyment felt somewhat like breaking a secret but very constant chan's rule. Writing a story about that desire of fantasizing about male stuff while giving a fuck you to that psychological rule was my answer. Also the fact that male characters are not discussed enough.... I cannot appreciate enough nor express how much and liberal is the episode To Change A Changeling. As far as I am concerned,it's possibly one of the best and most mature episodes FiM has ever had while being slightly progressive and conflicted for both sides at the same time. But like Pharynx is male and the new changeling designs are considered "awkward" if I had to say something,then I don't feel like posting about it because is going against the river's flow.