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> But the perspective does change with the mood. I think I understand this in a way. I have a very hard time discribing myself to someone and don't really feel like I have a full grasp on it, not to mention a desire to.
Same. Nobody stays the same for very long nor a perspective keeps itself 100% consistent to describe how one is made of.The medium is what I find a better resource to do it instead.

> The few times I have given serious thought to writing anything that represents me I usually don't put myself into a single charcater but have several that may represent aspects of my opinions and desires, but never completely. I'm not sure if this started as a way to avoiding having a easy to spot self incert or just having my charcater shrill my opinions but that's what I do.

I don't control how much of  myself I expose into one character but it should be a representation which fits the emotions put behind during that moment. Sure,that moment may not be frequent but I show a certain part. Both of my greens put fear as a secondary theme though.

> I did end up imagening it in the same universe. I imagend Dubble Diamound having the same issues as he did in your green, plus being not the most well build stallion who was insecure on a number of fronts. Though for me he was a background element that was a shared aspect to the story rather then a focus... at least what I was thinking as I wrote it.
I see it now. The main focus is no less than our little Dolores and her misadventures with her personal projects. The way that I see myself identified is because those issues that I wrote were actually from me. It's like shouting to a mirror and the ecco of my own voice goes back to me.

> Don't like most stuff outta /pol/, but I like the paradigm of how chans opperate. Harder to track easier to hide. I espicially am draw to the alt chans, looking for hidden treasures and in my opinion some of the better examples of true honest discussion in general.
That certain attraction comes because 4chan in a way has become a theater where everybody acts and has a role put into it(and I do take a role in order to give some activity to the pony board). Sure /mlp/ does not suffer it that much (sometimes) but others like /pol/,/mu/,/v/ do get trolls,spies, poisoned clickbait threads..... you feel like a character and it feels generic after repeating the same patterns over and over. I can't blame them,it's just how it has gone without thinking about it.