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The final resting place I actually meant for itself /flutter/. If you were not there for it. There was a /flutter/ bunker here that a few went to when 8chan died. They decided that there was no hope in continuing the community and decided to end it. I had taken over of the BO of the /flutter/ board here after our BO left and was the one who deleted the board  and it admittedly was somewhat awkward as there seemed to be some internal politics/drama going on with me being left pseudo "in charge" but I tried to respect the wishes of what seemed to be the popular will of them. 

Now, as for BO.  Honestly, his final parting message for us could possibly be taken that way.   The reason why I used the word 'enteral' was because he was our BO and that was not only his roll but the nickname that he was known as in our odd system of no namefagging but if you show up enough you'll end up with a name (because we had such few regulars we couldn't help but get to know each other). Thus, while I am the BO of the board, I am not BO, the user and never felt fully fitting being the BO, if that makes any sense.  Plus, he always was a little mysterious if I am being honest, and once had even secretly ran the board, making banners and doing various tasks when we thought he had left before.