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>>/822/ > And they are actually people. No way sexuality makes you any different,yet,Tumblr takes it into a whole new level of identity. I know. It's like they think they have reached a higher plain of existence or something. It's just as stupid as social conservatives treating gay as evil, but oh, everything else is also evil but somewhat less evil or in /mlp/ ewwwww that's just sick, lesbo horse ftw! Thanks. I didn't appreciate it that much but I have to confess that this provocation comes because I had clopped and enjoyed visually images of stallions while searching on derpi or going for some fresh stuff to enjoy. That enjoyment felt somewhat like breaking a secret but very constant chan's rule Hey, if I were to shrill on that, yet nothing else here. I am a lurker of chans. Too each his own. Even if I find clop in general immoral, as long as your not shoving hardcore images anything in my face unspoiled images I won't make a fuss. Your no different then any clopper anywhere else that I interact with. Besides I am a native to the chans and places on the dark web spectrum anyway, a lotta things ya can't unsee from that! So don't feel like ya have to hide a part of yourself. > Also the fact that male characters are not discussed enough.... I cannot appreciate enough nor express how much and liberal is the episode To Change A Changeling. As far as I am concerned,it's possibly one of the best and most mature episodes FiM has ever had while being slightly progressive and conflicted for both sides at the same time. The best works that change minds to me are ones that don't show one side as evil, but as at least somewhat justified, but wrong. > But like Pharynx is male and the new changeling designs are considered "awkward" if I had to say something,then I don't feel like posting about it because is going against the river's flow. Post as much as ya want here. I won't shrill! >>/822/ > You know how communism started? Nobody of them worked nor had experience in the work's market. A movement crafted by intellectuals as an answer to grievances of the workers. It is ironic to me that many leftist who shout "always follow the experts!" and invoke the authority of education so willfully discard it when it doesn't fit. I've managed to get a leftist guy to fumble pretty bad once when he made a long rant on how the GOP was ignoring the experts on the issue, "you wouldn't let a physicist make foreign policy you know " and I pointed out how the most right wing by collage standards field in education in the states was economics, and that most of the unironic hard core marxist were in STATS or social studies with no economic experience what so ever. > I am personally amazed that the tactics from a century and maybe one and a half,still get repeated and have so much relevancy in the internet age. That is why I do not blindly laugh at the generations before with a postmodern, absolutist morality of the present mindset. Though I think it is foolish to view history as a repeating cycle or all the old times are better then the new times sort of way. There are patterns that exist and things that are lost, perceptive that are gone that sometimes shed way more light on things then the current thought. >>/823/ > That certain attraction comes because 4chan in a way has become a theater where everybody acts and has a role put into it(and I do take a role in order to give some activity to the pony board). Sure /mlp/ does not suffer it that much (sometimes) but others like /pol/,/mu/,/v/ do get trolls,spies, poisoned clickbait threads..... you feel like a character and it feels generic after repeating the same patterns over and over. I can't blame them,it's just how it has gone without thinking about it. Yeah that perfectly describes the rhythm of 4chan.