Another review I guess. 

This comic was rather meh. It is serviceable as a kids comic but compared to similar slice of life in G4 I found it a bit lacking in... something. I am not sure if this was merely simple and predictable after coming off a somewhat lore heavy story with a major G4 character or if it is G5 more modern setting making such a story feel rather mundane compared to what would occur in G4. I am someone who does not object to slice of life or view them as "filler" but this just left a bit to be desired.

> Considering where we last left off this caught me off guard with them just back home chatting on how to find Discord.

Speaking of that, supposedly the search for Discord is going to be more of a "season" arc a normal comic story arc lasting a handful of issues. At least that is what I have seen speculated. 

Unfortunately have to go before I can reply to anything else. See you around /endpone/.