> Dolores stared as at it as the utterance left it's mouth, which was apparently made of blueberries...

> "What..." Dolores didn't know how to respond, her mind was still fuzzy from sleep and she was startled.

> Quickly she flipped the light switch (she had magical lights installed in her home). 

> She rubbed her eyes as she stared incredulously, it did appear to be indeed a pancake.

"I am sorry for the rude awaking Starli-er I mean Dolores, but the message I have to say is important and my time here is little."
> "What.. who are you?" 

> Dolores stared dumbfounded.

"I am the Lesser Pancake. Though any other information is of no concern to you other then the message I have to tell; it relates to the future of Equestria itself."
> Was she really awake or was it just a fever dream she as having?

> "I don't understand. Why are you here?"

"I've already told you! Hurry, I can't keep my master waiting and time is of the essence!
> The pancake suddenly flew right over her. Dolores nearly  cowering, before she set her horn alight.

> "If you're planning any funny business I warm you that I am trained in the highest class arcane combat magics!" Dolores half-lied as she tried to rush back to all fours.

"I am not here to harm, only to impart knowledge!"
> Dolores rose to her hooves as the pancake continued to hover non-threateningly nearby... well non threating probably wasn't the best way to word it, because it creep Dolores out to no end, but at least it didn't appear to be making any aggressive moves.

> "Spit it out then!"

"I was waiting for all your attention to be on me! Grab and notepad or something, because you will need to remember this!
>  Dolores didn't bother to comply. Merely keeping her eyes locked on the pancake and a level one magical projectile spell at the ready.

> "I can write it down afterwards, now speak."

"Fine. Equestria's future is in grave danger to do-I mean, do to, a interdimensional incident that will happen in the future!"
> The pancake began to hover in a quick fashion,movements and gestures that seemed to be its version of how normal pony would sometimes move a hoof or wing for emphasis.

> It was a strange sight.

"The newly crowed Princess Twilight Sparkle is in danger, and her fate, though not entirely certain, looks grim. If she were to fall then Equestria wil be in danger! It is with regret and desperation that I ask this off you, but you simply must: steal TWilight's and the others cutie marks and become the friendship bridge! It is the only way to keep the magic alive even if it is robbed of the ponies who welded it!"
> Dolores didn't know how to respond to that. Though her curiosity was certainly peeked.

> "Steal cutie marks  magic? Tempting... but how do you know I could even do that?"

"I know of the staff of sameness that you posses and know of its power and your relative magical prowess. It is not a choice I consider optional, but one born out of necessity. I know you are a power hungry fool, but please, even if you try to conquerer Equestria at least keep the magic and the pony race safe."
> Dolores felt conflicted and confused, but also intrigued. She didn't like to think herself as a conquerer, considering how flawed the pony race cutie mark system was (along with its relative free market system with still some lingering mercantilist influences), but deep down she did revel in power. Though such a task seemed pretty daunting, could she pull off such a feat?

> "I am curious... I will take up your offer, for the fate of Equestria and ponies in general, though I am no fool. Tell me, how do you expect me to pull this off?"