and this is ladies and gentlebridges how you create a communist leader.
The descriptions fit in the sense that Dolores is used to receiving orders like a psychopath and we know how she acts to her leaders(also with a couple of ironic lines like writing down the message). The pancake as a concept seems off and somehow a joke in theory while reading it....for a brief moment
because you then realize that the pancake you have posted genuinely comes from an image you have posted before. Dolores having nightmares and that pancake appears during the episode of A Royal Problem.
The communist autoritarism doesn't appear from low class people or ponies who are working on huge projects like those bridges though. Communism or sameness didn't come from those who are in the market but this is just nitpicking and it doesn't prevent at all the enjoyment from the green.
However,the most fitting thing that could fit the backstory is that the pony who was behind the pancake had evil intentions and didn't have to work or doesn't touch the poor zone. I believe this dark message came from Daybreaker and manipulated the pancakes from Celestia in order to cause disharmony and all the mess Our Town has received. Dolores may have been a piece for Daybreaker's 3D chess. I think that pancake was under a magical spell to cause an easy conviction for the devil's message.
That might explain why Dolores has suffered a lot during the episode of A Royal Problem when she betrayed her plans by not realizing about them. The state of sameness could have been an inside job and not from Celestia exactly.
The descriptions and the questionable situations have reminded me a lot from Return of Harmony,the scene seems inspired from that creepy balloon moment. I don't know how to praise the works of someone else but if you see that my comparisons are close to the show standards and making these headcanons out of your green,then it should say a lot to you