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>>/8504/ > I didn't do that initially, I was posting over here, but was given the recommendation to make a new thread to interact as the thread I was using wasn't suitable apparently see >>/8499/ Yeah,I could see that and you bumped that thread in order to move this conversation into this one because...well,the other thread was mostly a short shitpost that would undermine this by default. > I think a lot of that negative standing on introductions and name using stemmed from power mods on 4chan as names were common until /mlp/. Alright. How do you know about this? Are you one of those oldfags that don't brag about the status of age when it comes to chan usage? How long have you been using this? If you are claiming that those changes happened because of /mlp/'s existence and the explosive combination of /b/ + /co/,then you must have either informed yourself about this or witnessed how mods would change their behaviour (and while not exactly their policies, their practices that would cause a shift in their philosophy/approach). If I am guessing correctly,you must have been lurking on 4chan for 10 years at least,maybe even earlier when it comes to a first contact with this format. > I like meeting new people in the community, always have.Someone I've known for like, 8 or 9 years now mentoined this place to me so I figured I'd come over and say hi as a result. pure curiosity really. Pretty much what happened to the main users 5 years ago. Except that CB came earlier and actually posted in the first threads of this board before December 2017. However,that curiosity morphed into...well, something more complicated than we didn't expect at the time. None of us did really. > I typically post on the /b/read on 4chan, though I've taken a break the last week or two. Have you taken part in anything related to /mlp/ or some kind of project before? Or have you just been lurking on /b/ and you are taking a break from its rampant dynamic? > No, that isn't me. My full 'name' is Raptor Baptist, but for obvious reasons no one, not even myself really use th elast part of it Well, thanks. I had the urge to ask but it was quite unlikely to run into that coincidental case scenario, anyway.