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> Probably, but it's best not to judge a book by it's cover, afterall.
well, I see that the lesson from the 9th episode of Friendship is Magic is applied in practice. It shouldn´t be hard but...yeah, people have some struggles with that.

Anyway, this is definitely not an easy place to judge and considering what you might have seen from this place, it hides quite a few surprises throughout the few main threads that are placed in the catalog.

> I had my first encounter with a pony group on 8chan way back now after what hotwheels described as the 11th exodus, but was basically when mods when nuts over gamergate if memory serves correctly.
It was a long time ago though

Gamergate happened in 2014,right? I recall seeing 8chan at the time and /v/ was the main place that topped the site back then. I also lurked on /pone/ as well and I saw how Endchan was supposedly the place to transfer that site but that test lasted for as short while and...well, CB picked up the pieces at the time...but it wouldn´t blossom on its own until the 2nd wave of users that would shape it without any expectations.

It´s funny. An exodus happened because of political stuff related to gaming, this place was created as a stopgap test for backup in case that it would get censored/cancelled...and the /8pone/ board stands a former shadow of itself from its first couple of´s a very crazy timeline to live in.

> The origin of the name is far less impressive though, just a dumb story.
don´t think that mine is any better when it comes to its actual background story either