09. A... flac
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I guess that as much as one tries to word it, it won´t matter very much. One ends up falling in circles or just rotating inside the same spiral despite gathering some lessons that should have learned but would never pay off in practice.
Constant exposure was never meant to be a role for me to take at the time because I have always been more familiarized with passiveness rather than coming up with different reflections that would age with varying degrees of success/failure. I suppose that the same people stick to this board, expecting to hear something from someone else...and that shouldn´t be me (at least, all the time). There weren´t any promises to take this board anywhere but I imagined that such harbour would exist in a delusional way.
Would have things been done differently with the current experience? I certainly believe that such evolution would have occurred with pretty different outcomes...but I guess that some thing would have stayed the same, like this reflective speech. I just think loudly for this in order to give this event some contrast that might be important or not...but my mind just cannot stop spinning. I am unsure whether this reply is meant to be aimed towards me or the board...as if I am putting the final nail in the coffin to a period that doesn´t seem to exist anymore. Or at least, as far as my senses can detect...but I stopped seeing the same signs that we displayed 5 years ago.
Anyway, I see that, while all of them aren´t here lurking on this board, the active users still pop up and another year is going to be added to the counter for endpone. Is there anything else that should be said from my part? Well, nothing interesting comes to my mind. I guess that your respective families pull off that role way better than me. One final song to share in this place and the trajectory of 2022 comes to an end for me.
Have a nice dinner/night out there. Next time, 2022 will be history for any future posts of mine. Yours will eventually follow the same route too. It´s only a matter of time.
I will be waiting for all of you on the other side of the calendar.
See you in 2023, /endpone/.