Reflection jpeg
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>>/8528/ > How has the board managed to survive? > I just simply didn´t know any better and I have asked myself if this was purely a make-believe until the constant repeating process would give me signs that maybe all of this was actually real. And that´s where things become interesting and take a deviation from what was planned (assuming that there was any plan back then). I don't know. It seems like /endpone/ somehow passed some sort of filter or threshold to exist over just being a brief few anons bumping into each other on a chan once or twice and just being a ghost town (even if it can be still sort of a ghost town at times). This board has something of a identity and culture, and something causes a certain small amount of users to come back and a slightly larger amount to check in on us sometime. When I look at the landscape, at the other, larger imageboards that were set up with more promise and had more skill and care put in, only to have died in a shorter span than we did, it is hard to process. It is not like /endpone/ the greatest chan in the world, but it is alive, and that is something. >>/8529/ > Have you ever wondered if the character that one displays in public turns out to eat you up over time? Not here, but elsewhere yes. Though that story might be long and a little tangential. > I have been focusing on paying attention to my loved ones and saving my own circumstances as well as the ones that come the closest to me. That is certainly the wisest choice one can make. Between a chan and family/dear friends, the choice should always the latter. > Should this board be considered as part of that? No. Not that level. > I always lean on the perspective that the people is what make something special, not a place nor a site like this. You are right. In this life, the place doesn't matter so much as the people and our actions while on this earth and living the will of who runs it all. Still, the place and culture that arises from it have value of their own. There is a certain charm that can arise from sticking out so far from the mainland of the fandom on a site as broken and sometimes half functional as endchan can be. Would that experience had been the same if /endpone/ had been rather than a chan a Discord or IRC chatgroup? I think not. > The question remains if there is anything else that one can deliver beyond staying behind the scenes or just sitting on the fence...because standing out as a protagonist in public surely feels tiresome after a while. If anything does remain to be delivered, let it be out of the joy/interest of it and not out of any burden to carry anything upon one's shoulders.