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>>/8543/ > Well, it seems I have both /clop/ and /pone/ over there, so at the very least it can function as a bunker Depends on where and what you aim with it. If that place becomes even a partial revitalized 8/pone, it still might make more sense for me to set up a separate bunker board due to culture clash from /endpone/'s end (as in, if they didn't like /endpone/ sometimes more personal posting, use of names, extra lonnnnnnng posts at times, among other things). Though if whatever spark there (if any) wouldn't mind us, using that might make more sense. Regardless we are in alliance in the sometimes cold and lonely world of the left overs of old 8chan, 8/pone/, /flutter/ and the task of maintaining pony presences in these rougher lands. > , and would happily make you a vol though I don't know if that gives you access to css or anything. Eh, why not? At least provisionally. I am still debating on how I feel on the place, the atmosphere, Mark of /v/, etc. I wouldn't be the best in a monitoring position in some sort of set "you take x day" patrol kind of thing (considering I have often have forgotten at points to maintain my claim over /endpone/ when IRL issues arise, LOL!) but if while I was there I saw spam and or hostiles I could at least respond. My account there is the TheBridgePone. If you need any more details I will PM/DM you on Twily. > Not sure if you can 'dm' another user but I've created an account as alleycorn, You can thanks for reminding me that account I made exists! Addendums: >>/8538/ > and not taken seriously/running with the wrong thing. Just for the record, I meant this in the sense of them running with "oh you're a ponyfag!" and getting side tracked on /pone/ related matters when you only mentioned that as a qualification. Not that you ran with things yourself. >>/8546/ < Agreed. I am not sure if it is a dramatic change or a silent passing, but, things certainly have a different feel than when we first started. Should not be greentext. I said this part in reply.