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> that he wrote to CM the site owner, using the "I don't like what the BO is doing now" FAQ point, and wrote to cuckchanners to follow him so I would be ousted.
He really try to have you removed formally? Wow. If I give the him any benefit of the doubt, for any rational /mlp/ poster mods/adminstration are the bad guys and he was overeager to set up and try to find some outpost outside of /mlp/ (I guess /mlpol/ being too political and /nhnb/ being too censor happy). Though he and his little group were treading on scared ground there and, as I said on 8moe/pone, it would be nuts for you to burn it all down and make changes for that group.
> Finally found the image I've been looking for, not sure whose board I might want to post it on. If they like swimming in the stuff, leave 'em be, I think.
I'm still trying to piece together who is who in that little group. Like, for example: The guy who avatarfags as AJ seems to be the most cocky/enthusiastic but I don't think he is the BO (if I go by the AJ posts on that board with that same tone talking to the BO and not liking the diaper fetish thread).