I think these are all good points.
> I mean I've read some pretty bad attempts at writing that had ponies it in
I'm not arguing that ponyfiction is perfect, and certainly there has been some hideous and poorly written fics, just that the percentage of quality fics seems higher and the percentage of even what goes for bad fics still have less wrong them than what I have seen elsewhere.
completely the wrong characters.
> But on another hoof, there's the pony-words. Hoof, everypony, things that immediately remind the writers to "think like a pony" which meant slightly different things to different writers but all of them knew something about it, and that helped bring everypony together to write in the same world.
> These are also some 10/10 points:
I agree. I think he has hit the nail on the head with horsewords reminding everyone everypoy to think read and write like a pony. I wonder if that effect went beyond fanfiction as well? It is a shame that horsewords and puns are seen as a bit cringe now and AUTISTIC though I understand why with how pervasive and cringe "brony pride" was at the time.
> It was the passion and energy, though, that changed the world. Rule 34P, if it exists, it's been ponified. That was fascinating and fun to watch. Well, fun for me.
Especially with fics. I can understand a certain horror for some fandoms back in the day when half of the fanfiction output of your fics was just pony crossovers.