thumbnail of austr000.mp4
thumbnail of austr000.mp4
austr000 mp4
(2.69 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of austraeo.mp4
thumbnail of austraeo.mp4
austraeo mp4
(7.53 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of rightrou.web
thumbnail of rightrou.web
rightrou web
(1.85 MB, 0x0 vp8)
thumbnail of _sfm_pon.mp4
thumbnail of _sfm_pon.mp4
_sfm_pon mp4
(1.8 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of whoisthe.web
thumbnail of whoisthe.web
whoisthe web
(352.9 KB, 0x0 vp8)
Dumping some SFMs myself. Most notably a couple on Easthorse's first fic. A fan "anime" intro and a failed fan animation project.  Weirdly had these compressed and in a iso and for some reason the names where altered and truncated.   

Never got through the first installment of Easthorse, and now there is so much more. Maybe if the tone isn't too sad and if I happen to find more free time I will try it again.