> I am serious but I have tried to like them and I cannot see the appeal nor how people enjoy the thought of two characters fucking at each other.
> However,whenever I see that a fan tells that he doesn't clop at all(especially on reddit or EQD),he is a bigger liar than a russian promising that he won't hack again. That denial shows that he is the first clopper of the fandom. You cannot avoid it. Even if you don't want to,you can't avoid fapping to ponies when you have spent so much time on them in front of your eyes.
Well, I never was able to get into it, it just was a concept that never could. Then again, I had already been both desensitized to porn in general when I was yonger do to my darkwebish actives... Now I'm not denying I've never jacked off before or anything, I'm no angle, just never been into ponies and really had a hard time staying into the other stuff. Then again, I had a couple of experiences that I'd rather not get into that are major reasons why I abstain from such despite being from the chan that I rather not get into.
> (I don't see it that dark,that fame feels somewhat unjustified and overhyped, the "autism" has softened a lot) .
The people of the chans are more casual and secretive then the sterotype of bronies unironically dressing as horses and stuff like that. In fact, I'd dare say that a good bit of the "look at me I am happy to dress as sexy mayo twilight" came from tumblr more then anywhere else. The chans have their own creepy corners but are more of creatures of the night. Not saying there isn't creeps from the chans who made a name IRL/social media, but that much of that was more of early Tumblr spectrum people.