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> Well, I never was able to get into it, it just was a concept that never could. Then again, I had already been both desensitized to porn in general when I was yonger do to my darkwebish actives... Now I'm not denying I've never jacked off before or anything, I'm no angle, just never been into ponies and really had a hard time staying into the other stuff. 
I meam,there could be counted images that could attract me but that would be because of the art for the most part.If I have had wet dreams about the images,I have to admit that the images that I post here move me much more than 90% of the 34th rule.

I have that mindset of those who troll about clopping in the OP from /mlp/, I have the answer that the obvious denial to seek for attention like an angel is obvious attention whoring.
Nonetheless,with those reasons behind you,I think you have the right to claim yourself as a normal fan than a horsefucker. 
> Then again, I had a couple of experiences that I'd rather not get into that are major reasons why I abstain from such despite being from the chan that I rather not get into.
Pinkie promise secures that those reasons deserve to stay silent.
> The people of the chans are more casual and secretive then the sterotype of bronies unironically dressing as horses and stuff like that. In fact, I'd dare say that a good bit of the "look at me I am happy to dress as sexy mayo twilight" came from tumblr more then anywhere else. The chans have their own creepy corners but are more of creatures of the night. Not saying there isn't creeps from the chans who made a name IRL/social media, but that much of that was more of early Tumblr spectrum people.
It's true that most cosplays or dressing photo sessions come from Tumblr and even Reddit. They have been reduced drastically during the last years. I remember that there were photos from fans back in 2014 or 15 but now,there is nothing of that. Again,it could be just Tumblr looking hip and cool for their contacts. Chans for the most part call you a faggot and do it for the keks. If the thing goes further,that meams the subject has looked for it in order to bring interest from anons.
> creatures of the night
and that's how this board was born...