I wrote an awkward paragraph, the last time I tried expanding on Greyhorn & Stormflight's wasteland escapades.

"Alright we'll come back when we're equipped to dismantle robots but I need that thing scrapped and into my hooves." Grey was about to turn and ask Low Sell what her input was, but then he remembered how often he'd had to cover for Stormy being his pet, with sayings like 'yes I let my pet talk' in the town where the Former Unicorn, called Temnyy by the griffon guards, stole the sky rats he hated so much and ... broke them. Just so he can sell them cheap to his citizens. So he made a point of reminding himself not to look at her as he turned back the way they'd come.

I know what I was trying to say, about how Grey at the last moment was trying to avoid sounding patronizing or of aggravating Low Sell's extreme troubles.

I still like this world, these characters. I suppose I should clean it up as i've got 65+K words
even if it's not a whole story, somepony out there might like it