> Which can be fun but sometimes I think doing so butters over some real interesting stuff that should be looked at on it's own. Say, a lot of people just treated what was established in Sparkle's Seven as "alright, what was established a previous season ago has been overruled!" Should it? How does one post hoc justify that episode if you're in the mood to be super autistic to canon otherwise?
Your position is being super autistic to the seasons over the canon as a whole. I'd argue that one episode in isolation is just that and ignore it.
> Is there any other hints that might affect things? Or for another example: >>/7057/ I don't latter hints of the couple in question still being togather detract from the subtext of Surf and/or Turf being about divorce.
That is different as that is a subtext within the episode. The lesson that it is trying to be an analogy for in the real world doesn't rely on the divorce happening within canon. Even if it would be pretty implicit with having them separated.
> longpost
By /endpone/ standards, no. L23's essays are king in that regard.