A couple of questions on Quadruped.

> A gentle smile, an easy answer. “Pony Villa.” The place doesn’t exist, of course. The four families of the eastern plains had no record of a unicorn existing, and didn’t, he’d been told, want to believe his miscolored ears meant anything until he levitated an ear of corn off the table when he was four months old and didn’t have teeth to eat food yet. 

< It's a stark departure but still recognizable territory. Not only is everyone a pony, there are no horns or wings.

So, unicorns are called "unicorns" even if they lack a horn? Is that a placeholder or is there a explanation for that? 

> This topic had come up before. His father’s mark was of a shovel, and he’d confided in his oldest he didn’t really know what to put there but the day before, his whole class had gone out to

the farrier to get their flanks shaved and he didn’t want to be the odd pony out.
> only magic wielding pony in recorded history had forced Starry inside his own head for his whole life. 

< ...which, regardless of what they get called, probably means cutie marks either need to go away, or be drastically reconsidered.

Destiny marks remind me of some of the timelines with faded or weakened magic. Harmony Theory and some of the fics where G3 takes place in the future come immediately to mind. Feels a little demythologized. Like a emulation of a forgotten glory once know or at least a cultural leftover of it? Is that what you are aiming for here?  

Something of a low tier review. Your exposition feels natural and not forced (does the initial introduction of a setting even count as exposition?) and honestly, your little hints and set up to the world isn't bad and does leave me curious enough. I am not calling it lightning in a bottle but I would like to see more.