(193.77 KB, 700x900)
> never did restock my pony images folder, so I'll have to post an old one again. I shouldn't have deleted the old ones, really.
Well, 5050, here is what I mean with:
> I do owe ya something...
> I'll take me a little bit to find the thing I wanted to pass on to ya. So PoLS and stay tuned for the moment!
> Almost, almost ready
Okay, FINALLY This is not the biggest thing in the world but I wanted to pass on to you something I started awhile ago. Do you remember when I offered to give you some pony images? Well, yeah, life was chaotic then and that request went unfulfilled (not that was the largest thing in the world) but it always stuck with me and I even had a folder labeled 5050 where I would sometimes put images I think you'd might like next time I bumped into ya. Now, I had some technical difficulties ( >>/8711/) and lost the main folder, I had a backup in one of my USBs but it took me awhile to find it and it was a bit outdated from the main folder on my external drive.
Now, neither this or other are anything too special and I am uncertain of your full taste. I tried to mostly do with what you requested: not too many TS pics, less show style and not too many. There is a couple of exceptions, gif sections of each character and some parts of Other which is a bit closer to how my folders are organized ( a chaotic mess of screencaps, memes, edit attempts, etc). I also did slip in a Twilight section in Other as well, in case you had changed your mind.
EDIT: Let's it in smaller parts. I've tried 3 times.