5734 png
(1.09 MB, 900x1568)
Excellent! Finally it uploaded. Though it didn't follow the 133 MB glitch so I suppose some other issue (like my own Internet) perhaps might be a factor.
> That wasn't a typo; this was in church, someone waxing prophetic about the political.
I see.
> Meanwhile, I've moved to the new office, a sardine can in a high crime district.
That sucks. Especially in the region you live in and the, ahem, particular complexities in how cities there tend to be run.
> Also, summer is here and we've crossed 100F a couple times since last I posted.
It has crossed it 30 times this year, last I heard where I live.
POLI -- could be political posting, or proof-of-life_images.
I like Proof-of-Life_Images, it goes good with PoLMP.
> Clogging my nozzles in thirty seconds flat, yes. Printing? Less so.
The only 3d printer I have access too only works with Windows XP so I am in a similar boot.
I have toyed around with the idea of using styrofoam and sand to make more complex molds. Some small manufactures of car parts use this, cutting styrofoam in the exact shape of a part, putting it in sand, and then pouring metal which instantly vaporizes the foam and takes the exact shape. This probably has a lot of stuff to get through before getting this to possibly work with ABS plastic, if even I can set up a spot where I think I can do that safely.