FicInAGif1 gif
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I have a "fic" to share from long ago. I believe I posted this here once already but not on this thread and this was in the early days of this incarnation of /endpone/. Here is the text, complete with (purposeful) grammar and spelling errors, albeit I've taken some liberties with the formatting. This is a fic in a gif By endpone anon There once was a pony who loved to read books. This pony was named Twilight Sparkle. Twilight loved to read books so much that even other ponies who could read books couldn't read as many books as Twilight. Twilight was happy. *Image of Golden Oaks Library* But then a pony by the name of Nightmare Moon came. She was envy of Twi books *Picture of some color edited or traced vector of Celestia* (I don't recall if I made this or got it from somewhere) She may have looked like this once. *Epic madmax picture that I messed around with the slider bar* Fighting Happened And Twilight won! *Celestia Vector* "Why Twilight I'm so GLAD you won and not lost !" Exclaimed a tearful Celestia. "Now Twily I need you to go train a pony who is out in the badlands who is hated for her likeness to bridges. " Said Celestia in a manic happy tone. "I WILL said Twilight" Twilight said, briefly having broken the wall. *Bridge vector I made* "Wow!" Twilight said in a shocked tone. It was the most strange, yet pretty pony Twilight had everseen. "Hello" said the-pony-soon-to-say-her-name-which-was-Dolores. "I'm Dolores Umbridge, but Dolores is fine for everyday chitchat" "Well I'm sorry miss Umbridge, but this is not chitchat" Twilight said in the most serious tone she could muster (she wasn't used to being serious, after all, she only knew how to memorize large blocks of information and how to maintain basic (though minimal) social interactions. Dolores frowned: "Then what could it be?" "I want to teaah you eerything I know. I was Celestia's number 1 student!" Dolores looked at Twily in shock. "Wow" she in more shock. "I know" said Twilight Sparkle in not shock. "WOW!" The long bridge pony said in happy shock. "I know" Twi said again. Then Twilight took Dolores as HER student. The /end/ Believe it or not the point of this wasn't entirely a joke as I had been toying around with novel ways to distribute information. Not all places allow linking so freely or dumping of files as nice as here, but gifs are as vanilla and universal as you can get. As far as image posting goes anyways.