> As to the unicorns inside the cauldron, I hadn't though much at all about that, other than I was going to hold to the scarcity of unicorns spoken of in Faust's 'pitch bible' - So, for every thousand earth ponies, there's a pterippus, and for about every hundred to a hundred-fifty (census data on this tribe is sketchy) pterippi you can find a unicorn.

I never even knew that. Failed another check on pony knowledge. 

> Actually I just sorta have Starry Skies figured out. Strong sense of self-reliance, no belief in his sense of self-worth, and an insatiable sense of curiosity about the whole world.

Classic (er, neo-classic) fantasy protagonist I see. Fair enough to start a adventure though it was what you do with him that determines how joyful (or mournful if intended) that journey shall be. 

Uh oh, not those! Though, if Alicorns are thrown into the mix I'll admit that could be interesting taken facing a slow death as the magically inclined races are slowly going the way of the dinosaur. Magic as a whole as well. Though that would not fit in CB's setting here. Just a interesting thought.