thumbnail of Through the Fire and Fillies [IbfHL62vOLQ].mp4
thumbnail of Through the Fire and Fillies [IbfHL62vOLQ].mp4
Through the Fire and... mp4
(34.89 MB, 640x360 h264)
> Season 1 stuff seems rarer compared to later seasons in fandom output in general. This is weird when you consider how many meme the first two as the high from which the show fell so far. 

I think it might simply boil down to a lot of older fans having level  (or should I say, fans that didn't like newer seasons super strongly being in the minority, I recall seeing numbers showing that a majority of userbase of...Fimfic, somewhere, being from 2010 to 2012)  and Season 2 and Season 4 being more common as peaks for people.

> The first couple of seasons were kind of janky at points with animation. Season 3 and 4 is when they started to streamline and get good at it. 

I agree they were janky at points but...

> It was already impressive what they where trying to do at the time with flash in the wake of the stigma of the cheap cartoons at the time with flash being just something that was seen as a money saver for low budget cartoons. 

I am a big defender of Season 1 and Season 2's animation for a reason. I think it is underrated how the series, even then, put so much life to the backgrounds, tiny animation details and had stuff like perspective shots and "camera" zoning and panning around. With it's typical category of cartoon, we should've been stuck a mostly side view and not even bothering with all those extras. 

PMV unrelated, just posting a webm that I had on hand. You know the song.