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thumbnail of daybreaker_and_nightmoon_by_weon344_dfuqlj2.png
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thumbnail of Captura de pantalla (6) Endchan 28_09_2023.png
thumbnail of Captura de pantalla (6) Endchan 28_09_2023.png
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>  Job descriptions in the FAQ and role signatures (the hierarchy of globals on lynxchen/infinitynow - should be in the faq too, or maybe this is in the moderation manual) are too different things.

I had checked out the FAQ before that reply. The only person who is openly declared as an admin is Odilitime. False advertising at its finest, I had quite a few illusions to interact with the relatively popular idol around here. 

 However, now that AI exists, I am starting to wonder how many of you are actual machines. 

>  What type of posts?

There have been several posts on different generals (I think NMAiE was the most frequent for your team).

> or liek I'm posting on polru doesn't make me Russian...

Nationality doesn´t equal to hobbies/ways of spending your free time. There is a huge difference: you cannot pick where your respawn actually is and said birth is registered. That process is natural and happens unwillingly. However, dedicating your free time on a hobby is a personal choice that is actually done willingly. That´s not a fair analogy for defending yourself here.

> Are there like fan posts with role signature?

well, not necessarily but over here, there are so few posters that you can identify them by their tastes or style of posting. I haven´t posted for this entire years save for a couple of exceptions and yet, more than anon might predict who I am because of that factor alone.

>  Perhaps it was BO posting. Board staff also has their own role signatures.

Bridgefag doesn´t need introductions though. By the way, despite his role as a Board Owner, he is not named as the Board Owner. That acronym goes to a Polish anon who also handled /flutter/ back in 2018-19. 

> Gonna link him the thread.

Personally speaking, it would be a dream come true if Odilitime happened to post on /endpone/. Even without interacting with us, he is still popular for..."""reasons"""...