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> What does a write swap entail?
I would have assumed anything that involved swapping writing would count.
The two major forms I know of, are critique - you write something, trade with a friend and mark up how their piece could be made better. Then consider how bad their advice was.
The other is a shared story - you write a scene, they write the next scene. How that one usually plays out is there are two stories - when Arianne is the POV-char it's about the stresses of prepping for afternoon tea when you know the princess will be attending. When we see this through Red's eyes it's about the retelling of the time she tried to fix a nice dinner for Blueblood but since he didn't show up there was all this stealing of airships, something about a war with the Yaks and how she had to convince the zebra nation this was their problem even though all the royal guards could see it wasn't but they didn't say anything because Ruby would tie them up and make Ruby babysit the angry guards until she came back with Blueblood and peace.
Then we're back to Arianne chiding the butler for believing any of that happened. Especially siding with Zebrica. But this silverware drawer is nowhere near appropriate, with a chapter on the metallurgy of the utensils of the highborn versus what poor ponies deal with lacking better resources.
Then back to Red talking Ruby into helping with hijacking a train filled with silver because SOMEpony wanted better spoons. But Ruby thought they were off to rescue Silver Spoon from something so mistakes were made as a result of these miscommunications.