> and writing pony‽‽‽
drum roll...
...this contest is getting intense. I should be able to figure out who might be doing it.
Possible answers: a) Bridgefag b) 5050 c) CB Anon d) Odilitime
After pondering about it for more than 24 hours, I have decided to pick this choice. It was really hard to pick one of these 4 options but it has turned out to be one of the most difficult questions that I have encountered in my life. However, we shall not be worried, I have finally clarified my doubts about this.
Bridgefag is already too busy while he is celebrating his pride after seeing how his area is slowly taking over the world (whether it´s local or national is a different story). 5050 could perfectly show up with posts like these but his inconsistency backs me out so I am ruling him out here. As for CB, he wouldn´t copy his own homework. I mean...
> I might go in a completely different direction, or go back to that CB piece I'm known for.
...that attempt at pretending to be him sounds too obvious and it reveals the high level of trolling that the user behind that post has carried out while he was writing this. I rate this resemblance of CB a 3/10. It needs more grammar revisions in his post in order to be remotely believable.
Therefore, I am sticking with the d) option: Odilitime.
It sounds like the most convincing one out of the bunch. No biases have been taken into account for this choice. Just pure logic. No one would write about pony behind the scenes. Only those who need to be anonymous could dare to reveal his secret tastes on a backwater imageboard like this one.