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So, seeing it is Nightmare Night soon, does anypony have any spooky fic recommendations? As I said last time  >>/8451/ Mostly avoiding outright horror. More along the lines of mysteries, sometimes something with a haunting or eerie atmosphere or even fun and more childish spooky (Stereotypical haunted mansion). Truth be told, I still am pretty rusty on the state of fics post 2014, and that is now 10 years ago. Not that I haven’t read ‘’some'’ fics. 

Right now I have just been mainly looking for mystery fics and looking over some things I remembered but never read or dropped for one reason or another. Like, One Night, a spooky oneshot that I remembered finding halfway interesting classic implication of TS turning evil but I recall that there was something in one of the sequels that turned me very much off of it.  Or Feedback, a mystery puzzle fic that looked interesting but I just couldn’t stand the inclusion of Equestria Girls even if it was just to bring Sunset Shimmer over. Don’t take me wrong, I am not /nhnb/ and actually enjoy some fan portrayals of Sunset. I just don’t like the inclusion of Equestira Girls, even the context of its existence to cannon as lightly as it was here, because it messes up the coziness of the setting for me. 

And finally, I was trying to look for a fic that I had dropped because I considered the writing to be too simple for my taste in descriptiveness or something... I don’t know, still looking for it. Apple Jack  turning into a werewolf or something like that. (even know, yeah, ponies technically shouldn’t be called werewolfs) but I figured, eh, sometimes when I’ve given something another shot I’ve been surprised. 

links to first two stories: