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> Speculation on how Dolores communist regime was formed in general. I actually like observations like this, as I make slimmer ones all the time in fiction, though my mind wasn't putting too much thought into any flaws with the fic's/the show portrayal of a commie state being entirely earth accurate (as you note).
It was obvious. When you write a story,you can only focus on what you are writing with the purpose of letting the feels free with a green text. If we were with the mindset of complete knowledge and master the aspects we are treating,then we wouldn't be here because that's what a professional writer does.

> I consider communism leaders two be of two types generally, idealist and wolves. Idealist being the ones who believe in it passionately and have a intellectual/idealist background.
Intelectuals or pseudointelectuals who have a lot of free time or do not have any economical problem to think about planning the structure for a new society. Few people yet capable to cause the terror. 
> and wolves, who are the ones who rise at the top once the revolution has begun. 
I personally consider them the faggots and useful tools. The wolves try to look like heroes and do everything in order to feel that they are doing something good for the universe. They would kill them either way by hunger or shooting if they weren't
 fighting for it.
> For Dolores I actually don't find it too unusual that she would be a commie in some since, perhaps a hard life plus some exposure to in a academic sphere (like Stalin).
It's funny,90% of the people consider that Stalin was the biggest figure of communism yet,all the ideas and origins came from Vladimir Ulianov(Lenin) and he was actually the root of all of this. All the communism came from those first months of Lenin (1917-18) and it hasn't changed one bit. Stalin just continued the work/project of Lenin.
In fact,I read the book last Saturday and I have to say that Dolores has certain similarities with Ulianov....especially in the psychological part....