Thanks! Looks good so far. Even if you don't meet the mark.

> Properly provisioned, they proceeded on their way. By early afternoon they were as far in as any pony would normally travel, and the ground had no trails. Sometimes it was moss covered and their hooves sank in, leaving what seemed to Starry like permanent gouges in the virgin soil.

Other times it was almost sandy, though covered with dust, and only larger examples of scrub brush withstood the sheer indifference of this soil.
I like your descriptiveness so far. I feel you have the right amount of show versus tell. You covered a fair bit of ground without it dragging on or feeling rushed.

> And I don't know what he's up against aside from a lot of mistrust back home, and a completely wide open world that will kill him, both accidentally and with malice aforethought depending on what trails he travels.

Why don't you embrace that uncertainty? Let the story flow some and see where it takes you? not that I am a good writer.
> Any fics or moments in particular of his? Just curious

It comes with the themes of Fallout and doing anything that isn't horror all the time. His alicorn oc fic is the one that I think flirted with that tone.