Nayuki_lay... pdf
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SunGlimmer png
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SweetieBell png
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> but when I revisited the topic I did not find full confirmation of this...
...and I spent waaaaaaay too long looking for some of this information manually when I could’ve gone to the FiM wikia and just found this.
The Friendship is Magic Wikia actually had a pdf backup of the form post where one of the layout artist does talk about that error. (the form does appear to be online but good on them for having backups). I don't always like the wikia much but will go ahead and link and highlight this PDF. Fully quoting here:
> actually posed out that scene... so I guess it's my fault. I didn't know they hadn't met yet when I worked on it.
> Story time. When I get a scene, it comes with the storyboard, audio and the character/bg files needed. On this particular scene, the storyboard clearly had the CMC drawn there, but the characters sent to me weren't them. I assumed I was just sent the wrong characters and matched the storyboard. I didn't realize until later that I was sent different characters because of the events of the 'Call of the Cutie' episode later in the season. Either way, the scene was approved and ended up playing out as fun foreshadowing for our adventurous trio.
> To sum up, at first it was the CMC, then it was changed to not being them, then I changed it back.... /derp
Considering the presence of Sweetie Belle briefly in Call of the Cutie in Sun Umbridge place, while not (that I've seen) directly confirmed, I'd say it is almost certainly these two fillies here.
Link to PDF:
(also posted)
Note: haven’t checked if this form thread is intact but I assume so.