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Minor changes and a few other things.
The update I have long teased is finally here, naturally, not much to hype about but it does warrant a announcement sticky.
Synchronized Rewatch Thread >>/6985/' is now launched for real. Details here: >>/8889/
Bunker: In the event of Endchan being wiped off the face of the earth, flee to here for now: https://8chan.moe/pone It is not a continuation of /endpone/ but a general bunker/secondary pony board held under friendly hooves. A more formal bunker maybe set up at some point later or organized post destruction depending on circumstances (that hopefully never will come or at least be at a point when we are better prepped).
The /chat/ thread is now cyclic: >>/5562/ The idea behind it to encourage more short form and casual discussion and a place to dump off topic posts nopony cares about too much. In reality, I am not sure much will change, but a worthy experiment. Higher effort random posts can still be posted to /NMAiE/, and to be honest, the board always can meander a bit in conversation.
The old NSFW no spoilers required on our NSFW thread: >>/5560/ has been revised. We have always been in practice more SFW than some boards around these parts and no one ever took advantage of the special exception for that thread. Plus, certain more extreme fetish content was not except from that anyway. TD;LR: normal chan spoiler rules now in place.
New banner has been added to the board, which wouldn't be worth mentioning if not for the fact that we haven't added one since 2019! I don't mind our banners being of a smaller number and a lot of them feel more special and carry a certain context, but, certain things, like Seaponies, /go/, or the writefag thread probably warrant some representation. Here is my partial attempt to remedy one of those.