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>>/8912/ Howdy all, this is bridgefag, current BO (technically, BO pro-tempore, BO is still enteral board owner.) Remember my promised update from like... what? Three years ago? It is here! A form of it anyway. /endpone/ hasn’t been at the forefront of my mind since early 2020 and each time I have tried to work my way back to it stuff happened. Now I finally had the chance to devote some time to here and seized it while I could. This is a incremental 1.5 update. The update I promised from back then when I decided my more ambitious 2.0 planned from way back when wasn’t doable. This is the best I can do right now as well. Life gave me a pause from all the crises and I have gotten somewhat better at managing my time. Still I am uncertain how much time I have to really work on this board overall. Parts of this year were extremely chaotic and disruptive. My life has always sort of been that way, but now, this year, several different things happened at once that were uniquely bad and knocked me off of my feet. I have lived for a good while with the feeling that the rug could be pulled out from under and have to often tend to IRL matters, leaving little time for pony. On the bright side, I think I have a shot of getting it pulled together some, still, that leaves a impact on time for here in the medium term. This update and posting spree feels like a minor miracle that is flying in under the radar between different crises. I had time to think about things and think about the board going forward. It might be a handful of minor changes, and one medium sized project that could’ve been better spaced out. My posting opportunities (due to my old friend, unstable and shaky internet and random schedule) means that I feel more comfortable doing this at a time when I have access to a more stable connection. What are my plans going forward anyway? I don’t 100% know but I am not done with this place yet. I might not be able to do a lot but I am going to hold course. If my life is super chaotic and crazy, /endpone/ being this sort of comfy pup sounds pretty nice, as some anons have characterized the atmosphere here. Even if /endpone/'s take on that is a bit of a weird space that doesn’t fit into /mlp/'s or the old ponychan’s family boards conceptions of things. /endpone/ model hasn't failed so far. I want to take a moment to thank all the anons here, from major players to lurkers who have never made themselves known. The cultural connections with the old /flutter/ and 8/pone/ and some immigration from the latter as well have also played a roll in this board (with /endpone/ being a sort of vague place where these old communities sometimes bump into each other.) I have always wanted to honor both better but uncertain of where to proceed on that. It is weird, but, many of the anons here who I have even distantly interacted with have I have felt a certain, IDK, a understanding that I haven’t felt in other chans, irc, comment section of blogs, forms, etc. My only theory on it is that /endpone/ draws out certain types of posters. I part with the wise words of a friend: places matter less than the people who are make them up and that is what you should really invest in for the future. (That was at least a paraphrasing of it). So, that is something I have taken into my perspective of this place as well. If /endpone/ ever disappears (hence why bunker talk and having a personal contact point: albeit, WIP) tomorrow, I know that a lot of the anons in orbit here who I would certainly like to keep in touch in some form or at least hope to see again. Though I know for anons far out here a lot of us sometimes lack normal points of contact we feel comfortable sharing with the Internet and want to keep some distance (the whole point of being a anon on a normal chan and still ceremonially halfway enforced here yet not but not ponychan style... whatever we call it). I know that feeling well also. (Plus, if /endpone/ were to disappear one night and we all just had twitter contacts, th